Leadership Development

Turnaround Leadership Coaching, Training & Development In Houston, Courses _ Coaching FIERCELY LEAD FOR EQUITY _ EXCELLENCE
Turnaround Leadership Coaching, Training & Development In Houston, U-Bridge Consulting Group helps leaders close the diversity gap to create schools of promise

U-Bridge Consulting Group helps leaders close the diversity gap to create schools of promise

U-Bridge Consulting Group offers a menu of professional learning services designed to support leaders in their practice to engage in professional growth and development that supports them to fiercely lead for equity and excellence.

We honor the expertise and experience that every leader brings with them to their work, and we value adult learners as collaborative and reflective meaning makers in this profession.

Through U-Bridge’s Schools of Promise framework, we help leaders move students to the center of their work, while building their capacity to manage the complexity of supporting teachers and engaging school communities in the shared leadership process.

Equity Now Professional Learning Series

The Equity Now sessions are designed to help participants build capacity to access, engage and sustain complex and challenging conversations about equity and social justice that led to sustainable action.

Participants engage in a rigorous set of learning experiences focused on such topics as the history of racism in schools, the long-term impact of micro-aggressions and implicit bias, racial identity development, and the power of personal storytelling to galvanize radical change in schools and communities.

Participants are supported to be brave and fierce as they explore how their identity and beliefs are apparent when they interact with others in the school community.

They gain critical tools for assessing how their current practices perpetuate systemic oppression. Then they are guided through a systemic change process to create the equity culture they desire for their school.

Turnaround Leadership Coaching, Training & Development In Houston, Equity Now Professional Learning Series (Virtual) -

Schools of Promise Leadership Academy (Virtual)

U-Bridge Consulting Group offers a Leadership Academy to advance and sustain educational equity and excellence in schools and districts. This cohort-based model invites leaders to engage in a year-long course of study where they are supported to design concrete, achievable goals for school and organizational improvement, with a specific emphasis on equity through adult learning and collaboration.

UBP’s Leadership Learning Model focuses on three core dimensions:

  • Equity Leadership
  • E-Continuous Improvement by Design
  • Cultures Conducive for Change

This model combines communities of practice design with improvement science. Leaders learn and grow, design new initiatives with feedback from colleagues, and work to improve their organizations through a continuous improvement equity action plan.

Schools of Promise Leadership Academy (Virtual)

Communities of Practice Institutes (Virtual & On-Site)

School transformation happens when educators work together in communities of practice and share a passion and commitment for improving their practice so that student outcomes improve.

U-Bridge Consulting Group supports school and district leaders individually and/or in teams, to learn about and practice the skills, habits, and dispositions of building a culture of collaboration, risk-taking, inquiry, reflection, and feedback for growth.

We use equity-based protocols to support leaders with engaging in critical, courageous discourse that challenges conscious and unconscious beliefs and assumptions about leading, teaching, and learning and enable them to develop new mindsets and practices. Leaders also learn facilitative leadership skills for designing agendas and leading transformative adult learning in communities of practice in their schools.

Communities of Practice Institutes (Virtual _ On-Site)

Leadership Coaching and Mentoring (Virtual & On-Site)

U-Bridge Consulting Group uses the UBP Leader Coaching Model to offer individualized coaching and mentoring to leaders and their teams to improve leadership effectiveness, improve team dynamics, build capacity for change, and support the development and implementation of strategic plans through the purposeful alignment of the school’s purpose, mission, vision, and values.

What They Say About U-Bridge Project

What They Say About U-Bridge Project
Kefi Andersen

Kefi Andersen

Graduation Equity Program Supervisor At Office Of Superintendent Of Public Instruction

“Deirdre Williams is the real deal. A master facilitator, an equity champion, she’s a hero for any education leader to look up to! Her sessions are always thoughtful, fun, and full of community building that digs deep and pushes you to get to the next level. I can’t recommend her enough”